Spring cleaning with Zoomba
Hello spring!
At last! The long-awaited spring has arrived again. It's time to wake up from winter sleep, open the windows, enjoy the sun and longer afternoons J You probably, like us, think that spring time is conducive to cleaning - get rid of unnecessary things that collect dust and take up your space. Look through your wardrobe - if your wardrobe does not close and there are things in it that you have not worn for years, then ... you probably know what to do.
Time for change
Yes, spring is good for cleaning! If every thing in your home is necessary and practical, and also has its place, there is a good chance that you will like Zoomba. It is an automatic dryer that you can mount on the wall or ceiling. It is discreet and fully functional - there are no unnecessary gadgets that may look good, but are of little practical use. If you like good organization, value comfort and safety, and drying your laundry has been problematic for you so far, consider whether Zoomba won't make your daily struggle with the endless mountain of things to be washed and, of course, dried easier.
Why is it worth it?
Many customers trusted Zoombie - some were captivated by the functionality of our dryer. The rods are automatically controlled, so they can be stopped at the right height - adjusted to the height of the person who hangs the laundry. The laundry hanging on the dryer, which can weigh several kilograms, is not manually lifted, but a mechanism does it. Others love Zoomba for saving space - rarely we have the opportunity to practically use the space under the ceiling, and with Zoomba it is possible. Laundry dries up and you forget about it - what's more, it doesn't take up space like in the case of a free-standing dryer. Other people appreciated Zoomba for its high quality and innovativeness.
Dryer at home or on the balcony
Do you want to take advantage of the beautiful weather and be able to dry your laundry on the balcony? It's possible with Zoomba J Our dryer is protected against adverse weather conditions - also high and low temperatures. It is made of steel, which has been covered with a layer protecting against rust, and the rods additionally have a layer of anodized aluminum. You can mount it outside the building under the roof and enjoy the laundry, dried by the rays of the spring sun. It's also a good idea if you don't have the space to install the dryer in your apartment.
Make your life easier and gain time to do what you love
We know how much time you spend on household chores. If you want to start another spring by making your everyday life easier, Zoomba will be perfect for you. Thanks to our dryer, you can hang your laundry quickly and conveniently. The strings will not slip out of your hands - Zoomba has state lines that are very durable and ensure stability when hanging the laundry (the rods do not wobble in all directions). Zoomba will help you save time and space so that you can focus on what is really important to you.